martedì 29 aprile 2014

Raiffeisen Zentralbank Core-Tier- 1-Quote sinkt auf 9,9 Prozent

UPDATE 2 - Raiffeisen Zentralbank Core-Tier- 1-Quote sinkt auf 9,9 Prozent

Core-Tier- 1-Kapitalquote der Raiffeisen Zentralbank fiel um 1 Prozentpunkt auf 9,9 Prozent der risikogewichteten Vermögenswerte zu Ende 2013 unter lokaler Rechnungslegungsvorschriften als schwach osteuropäischen Währungen schlagen ihre Bilanz , sagte der österreichische Kreditgeber am Freitag .

Die nicht börsennotierte Muttergesellschaft der Raiffeisen Bank International - der zweitgrößte Kreditgeber in Mittel-und Osteuropa (CEE) - ist einer von sechs österreichischen Banken unter direkter Aufsicht der Europäischen Zentralbank noch in diesem Jahr kommen.

Bei der Bekanntgabe seiner Jahresergebnisse 2013 schlug sie halten die Dividende unverändert bei 36 Euro je Aktie .

" Kernkapital um 311 Millionen Euro ( 432.000.000 $ ) verringerte sich auf 9,695 Mrd. vor allem aufgrund der negativen Wechselkursentwicklung des russischen Rubel , der ukrainischen Griwna, die tschechische Krone und der polnische Zloty ", sagte RZB in seinem Jahresbericht 2013 .

Der Trend in 2014 fort, als die politische Krise in der Ukraine - wo Raiffeisen ist ein Top-Fünf- Bank - gehäuft Druck auf die Griwna und Rubel , untergräbt den Wert der lokalen Vermögens, wenn in Euro ausgedrückt.

"Zu der Zeit der Jahresbericht wurde finalisiert ( Anfang 2014 ), die Entwicklung aller relevanten RZB Währungen resultierte in einer Verringerung ihrer Tier-1- Ratio ( CET1 ) von rund 25 Basispunkte ", sagte Jahresbericht der RZB .

Raiffeisen Bank International hatte bereits das Problem gemeldet, wenn sie berichtet, ihre Ergebnisse 2013 im letzten Monat. Sie schwang einem vierten Quartal Konzerngewinn von 146 Millionen Euro gegen Marktschätzungen als Zinsüberschuss und Risikovorsorge kam besser als erwartet.

Die Auswirkungen der osteuropäischen Währungen Highlights Risiken der Konzern ausgesetzt ist in einer Region, stürzte sich in Unsicherheit, die durch die russische Annexion der Krim-Halbinsel , die Auslösung der schlimmsten Ost-West- Konflikt seit dem Kalten Krieg .

Trotz der Bedrohung der westlichen Sanktionen gegen Moskau, bleibt Raiffeisen engagiert sich das hochprofitable russischen Geschäft, sagte RBI- Vorstands Karl Sevelda im letzten Monat. Er versuchte, mögliche Probleme in der Ukraine zu verharmlosen .

Aber es war so besorgt über die Krise in der Ukraine , dass sie die früheren Ziele für Kredit-und Risikovorsorge hing nun an , wie die Ereignisse in der Region spielen .

Mutter RZB 2013 Ergebnis vor Steuern stieg um 14,3 Prozent auf 1,05 Milliarden Euro das operative Ergebnis stieg um 26 Prozent. Die Nettodotierungen zu Kreditrisikovorsorgen stiegen um 16 Prozent auf 1,2 Milliarden Euro.

Sein Verhältnis von Non Performing Loans (NPL ) stieg auf 10,2 Prozent des Kreditportfolios von 9,7 Prozent im Jahr 2012 , während die NPL-Deckungsquote sank um 3,8 Prozentpunkte auf 63,1 Prozent.

($ 1 = 0,7204 Euro) (Reporter: Michael Shields , Bearbeitung von Eric Auchard und Keiron Henderson )

Valkompassen – din guide i EU-djungeln

Valkompassen â€" din guide i EU-djungeln

Det är ett mycket dumt beslut att avstå från att rösta i EU-valet. Skälen är följande:

1. Den som avstår från att rösta ger bort makt till någon annan. Kanske till någon vars åsikter du inte alls delar.

I det här valet väntas exempelvis främlingsfientliga partier öka i flera länder. Här hemma kämpar Sverigedemokraterna för att komma in i parlamentet.

Tycker du att det är dåligt? Ett solklart skäl att ta sig till valurnorna.

2. EU-parlamentet är mäktigt. Efter den senaste fördragsändringen beslutar ministerrådet (med representanter för medlemsländernas regeringar) och parlamentet gemensamt i nästan alla frågor. Parlamentet kan avsätta EU-kommissionen och har ett avgörande inflytande på budgeten.

Som grädde på moset har omkring 60 procent av den lagstiftning som klubbas i riksdagen sitt ursprung i EU.

3. Din kandidat kan göra skillnad. Framgångsrika ledamöter av EU-parlamentet blir så kallade rapportörer. Han eller hon bereder ett förslag från kommissionen, formulerar parlamentets åsikt i frågan och enar så många partigrupper som möjligt kring den.

Om det krävs en förhandling med ministerrådet och kommissionen för att bli överens för rapportören parlamentets talan i den.

I valet till EU-parlamentet är det alltså viktigt att inte bara välja parti. Det är också viktigt att kryssa den kandidat som du tror tar mest plats, och därmed har störst förutsättningar att bli en framgångsrik ledamot.

I förra EU-valet, 2009, röstade 45 procent av väljarna jämfört med över 80 procent i riksdagsvalen. Många avstår alltså för att de tycker att de kan för lite.

Men det är inte skäl att avstå från att utöva sin väljarmakt. Aftonbladets Valkompass, som görs i samarbete med bland andra statsvetarna vid Göteborgs universitet, hjälper dig att hitta rätt i EU-djungeln.

Genom att svara på 30 frågor får du inte bara veta vilket parti som ligger dig närmast. Utan också vilka kandidater som har åsikter som överensstämmer mest med dina egna.

Kandidaterna till EU-parlamentet har själva svarat på frågorna i Valkompassen. Och de visar att de inte heller har MVG i EU-kunskap.

Två är exempelvis helt emot den gemensamma utrikes- och säkerhetspolitiken. Det är ett av EU:s kärnområden och går inte att välja bort. EU har till och med en gemensam ”utrikesminister”, den höge representanten Catherine Ashton som ska se till att EU talar med en röst.

En handfull kandidater ställer sig frågande till om EU ska omfördela pengar från rika till fattiga regioner. Också det är ett av de bärande inslagen i EU-samarbetet och kan inte väljas bort. En tredjedel av EU:s budget går till fonder som slussar pengar till utsatta regioner och befolkningsgrupper.

Ta makten över ditt EU-val. Fyll i Valkompassen â€" och gÃ¥ och rösta.

Nordean tulos nousee 4,7 % kuten Pohjoismaiden suurin pankki säästää kustannuksia

Nordean tulos nousee 4,7 % kuten Pohjoismaiden suurin pankki säästää kustannuksia

Nordea Bank AB ( NDA ) sanoi liikevoitto kasvoi 4,7 prosenttia vuoden ensimmäisellä neljännekselläPohjoismaiden suurin pankki leikkaa kustannuksia ja näki vähemmän häviöitä lainoistaan ​​.

Nettotulos oli 831 miljoonaa euroa ( 1150000000 dollaria ) verrattuna 794 miljoonaa euroavuotta aiemmin ,tukholmalainen pankki sanoi tiedotteessaan tänään . Että jäikeskimäärin 850 miljoonan euron arvioonBloomberg kyselyn analyytikot . Nordea ilmoittiyhteisen pääoman Tier 1-vakavaraisuus oli 14,6 prosenttia riskipainotettujen omaisuuserien , joka perustuu Basel III sääntöjä .

Ruotsin pankit , jotka kohtaavat joitakin Euroopan tiukimmat varanto säännöt ovat kasvaneet puskureita karsimalla kustannuksia ja voitonjakokelpoiset varat tulla paras aktivoitualueella . Nordea , SEB AB , Svenska Handelsbanken AB ( SHBA ) ja Swedbank AB jo yli12 prosentin vähimmäisvaatimuksen Core Tier 1- pääoman määrä tulla voimaan Ruotsissa ensi vuonna . Kaikki neljä pankit ovat käyttäneet ylimääräistä pääomaa nostaa osinkoja 2013 .

" Luotonanto kysyntä on vaimeaa ja korot pysyvät hyvin alhaisella tasolla ", Nordean toimitusjohtaja Christian Clausen sanoi tänään julkilausuman. " Tässä ympäristössä jatkamme toteuttaa meidän kustannus ja pääoman käytön tehokkuutta ohjelmien ja kaapata liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia asiakkaidemme kanssa . "Pankin yritystoiminnan neuvonta piristyivuoden 2014 alussa , hän sanoi .
osakkeet Gain

Nordean osakkeet nousivat 3,3 prosenttia 93,55 kruunua vuodesta 09:53 Tukholmassa kauppaa , niiden Jyrkin päivänsisäisinä etukäteen viime vuoden heinäkuusta lähtien . Osakevaihto oli 26 prosenttiapäivittäin keskimäärin viimeisen kolmen kuukauden aikana.

Nordea on omiaan nostamaan osinkoa vastaamaan75 prosenttia voitosta maksettiin Swedbank ,Nordic lainanantaja , joka palauttaaeniten osakkailleen , puheenjohtaja Bjoern Wahlroos sanoi haastattelussa 7. huhtikuuta.

56 prosenttia voittoa Nordea toimitetaan osakkeenomistajille vuonna 2013 ", eivät kuitenkaan riitä estämäänliiallinen kasvu core Tier 1 capital ", Wahlroos sanoi sitten .

Keskimäärin Ruotsin neljän suurimman pankin maksetaan 66 prosenttia voitoista osakkeenomistajille vuonna 2013. Nordea nosti 2013 osinkoa 26 prosenttia 0,43 euroonosakkeelta . Handelsbanken maksettu 53 prosenttia enemmän kuin vuonna 2012 , SEB nosti osakkeenomistajan voiton 45 prosenttia ja Swedbank kasvatti 2 prosenttia .

Korkokate Nordean muuttuivat hiukan 1360000000 euroa kolmen kuukauden maaliskuun ja netto- palkkiotuotot kasvoivat 13 prosenttia 704 miljoonaan euroon . Kulut laskivat 2,4 prosenttia 1,24 miljardiin euroon .
Job Cuts

Nordea sanoi tammikuun 29 on leikattava yli2500 työpaikkaa jo lakkautettu sopeutumaan hitaaseen kasvuun . Sen neljännen vuosineljänneksen raportti ,pankki nosti säästötavoitteet 900 miljoonaa euroa vuoteen 2015 verrattunaedelliseen kustannuksia säästävä tavoite ilmoitti vuonna 2012 oli 450 miljoonaa euroa. " Meidän täytyy odottaahenkilöstömäärä tulossa alas ", Clausen sanoi sitten .

" Kustannustehokkuus ovat edenneet suunnitelmien mukaisesti ensimmäisellä neljänneksellä",pankki sanoi tänään . "Vuositasolla brutto vähentää kulut yhteensä 45 miljoonaa euroa on tehtyensimmäisellä neljänneksellä ja 255 miljoonaa euroavuoden 2013 alusta ", se sanoi .

Paul Simon and Edie Brickell in Court Over Domestic Dispute

Paul Simon and Edie Brickell in Court Over Domestic Dispute

The singer-songwriters ballad maker and Edie Brickell control hands in a very Connecticut room on weekday and told a decide they weren't a threat to every different, once they were each inactive over the weekend in a very domestic dispute.

The family told the decide, William Wenzel of tribunal in Norwalk, Conn., that there was no would like for him to issue protecting orders.

“The each people square measure fine along,” Mr. Simon told the decide. “Neither one among US â€" we’re attending to return home these days. We’re attending to go watch our son play baseball. we have a tendency to had AN argument, and it’s atypical people.”

The decide set to not issue protecting orders, spoken language there didn't seem to be a unbroken threat of physical violence.

The Grammy triumph artists, United Nations agency were married in 1992 and have 3 kids, were inactive on Sabbatum night and charged with disorderly behavior once somebody in a very residence in New Holy Land, Conn., wherever the couple owns a home, known as 911 around 8:20 p.m. then adorned up. The police aforementioned there was a minor physical dustup, that officers thought-about to be force.

At a group discussion on weekday, New Holy Land captain Leon Krolikowski aforementioned there have been minor injuries from the dispute, however he declined to mention United Nations agency had been contused. Both Mr. Simon, 72, and Ms. Brickell, 47, behaved in AN aggressive manner, he said, and one among them united to depart the residence on Sabbatum.

On weekday afternoon, the couple’s professional, Allan Cramer, discharged an announcement from Ms. Brickell that said: “I got my feelings hurt, and that i picked a fight with my husband. The police known as it disorderly. impart God it’s orderly currently.”

Mr. Simon’s songs embrace “The Sound of Silence,” “Bridge Over Troubled Water” and “Kodachrome.” Ms. Brickell, 47, has performed as a solo creative person, with the band New Bohemians and with Martin.

The next court date for man. Simon and Ms. Brickell was set for could sixteen.

Das Attentat von Sarajewo

Das Attentat von Sarajewo

Am 26. Juni 1914 kam Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand mit seiner Frau in die bosnische Hauptstadt Sarajewo. An diesem Sonntag erinnerte das benachbarte serbische Königreich erstmals mit einem offiziellen Staatsfeiertag an die Schlacht auf dem Amselfeld: Dort hatten die Osmanen am 28. Juni 1389 die serbischen Völker vernichtend geschlagen und fast den gesamten serbischen Adel ausgerottet.

Bei der Ankunft entging das österreichische Thronfolgerpaar nur knapp einem Bombenanschlag. Um die dabei Verletzten im Krankenhaus aufzusuchen, bestiegen Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand und Sophie Gräfin Chotek, Herzogin von Hohenberg, nach einem Empfang im Rathaus einen Wagen. Da sprang ein serbischer Gymnasiast aus der Menge hervor und schoss. Er traf Franz Ferdinand in die Schläfe und Sophie in den Unterleib. Der Thronfolger war sofort tot; seine Frau starb auf dem Weg ins Krankenhaus.

An Ort und Stelle festgenommen wurde der Täter, Gavrilo Princip (1895 - 1918). Princip gehörte zu der 1911 im serbischen Königreich gegründeten nationalistischen Geheimorganisation "Ujedin jenje ili smrt" (Einheit oder Tod); "Schwarze Hand" wurde sie auch genannt.

Auf Franz Ferdinand hatten es die Verschwörer abgesehen, weil dieser die Slawen als Gegengewicht zu den Ungarn zur dritten Staatsnation der Habsburger Monarchie hatte erheben wollen â€" und damit den slawischen Nationalisten den Wind aus den Segeln genommen hätte.

Der serbische Regierungschef Nikola Pasic ahnte wohl seit Anfang Juni etwas von dem in Bosnien geplanten Attentat, befürwortete es zwar nicht, verhinderte es aber auch nicht.

Zwei Tage nach dem Mord in Sarajewo erklärte der österreichisch-ungarische Außenminister Leopold Graf von Berchtold dem deutschen Botschafter in Wien, dass gegen die Serben vorgegangen werden müsse. Dazu hatte sich die Wiener Regierung schon vor dem 26. Juni entschlossen; das blutige Attentat in Bosnien lieferte bloß noch den geeigneten Vorwand dafür.

Das serbische Königreich dominierte auf der Balkanhalbinsel und bereitete sich darauf vor, zum "Piemont der Südslawen" zu werden. Auf dem Balkan prallten die österreichischen und die russischen Interessen aufeinander: Die Habsburger Monarchie, die ohnehin zu zerreißen drohte, sah sich durch den südslawischen Nationalismus und dessen serbische Machtbasis ernsthaft bedroht. Die Russen dagegen unterstützten die nationalistischen Bewegungen und betonten, dass sie selbst zu den Slawen gehörten, weil sie glaubten, dadurch ihren Einflussbereich ausweiten zu können. Jede militärische Intervention auf dem Balkan beschwor einen russisch-österreichischen und â€" infolge der Bündnissysteme â€" europäischen Krieg herauf.

Auf das Wagnis, trotzdem gegen Serbien loszuschlagen, konnte sich die österreichische Regierung allenfalls einlassen, wenn sie von der politischen und militärischen Führung in Berlin unterstützt wurde. Bücher von Dieter Wunderlich Der deutsche Botschafter in Wien, Heinrich von Tschirschky und Boegendorff, warnte davor, auf dem Balkan einzugreifen, aber Kaiser Wilhelm II. schrieb an den Rand seines Berichtes vom 30. Juni: "Mit den Serben muss aufgeräumt werden, und zwar bald. â€" Jetzt oder nie." Als der österreichische Sondergesandte Alexander Graf von Hoyos und der österreichische Botschafter in Berlin, Ladislaus Graf Szögyény-Marich, den deutschen Standpunkt sondierten (Hoyos-Mission, 4. - 6. Juli 1914), sagte der Kaiser am 5. Juli die deutsche Rückendeckung auch für den Fall einer Ausweitung des Konfliktes zu ("Blankoscheck"), und der Reichskanzler bestätigte dies am folgenden Tag in einer Unterredung mit den Grafen Hoyos und Szögyény.

Die deutsche Staatsführung sorgte sich, dass ihr einziger verlässlicher Bundesgenosse durch die nationalistischen Bewegungen zerbrechen könnte und sie dann vollends isoliert der feindlichen Allianz gegenüberstünde. Ein Krieg werde sich ohnehin nicht auf Dauer vermeiden lassen â€" das offenbare sich in den fortwährenden Krisen auf dem Balkan und in Nordafrika; es gehe letztendlich um den Aufstieg des Deutschen Reichs zur Weltmacht oder den Niedergang zum ohnmächtigen Staat dritter Ordnung. Die Zeit arbeitete gegen die Mittelmächte: zusehends wuchs die feindliche Ãœbermacht. Die deutschen Militärs glaubten, dass die in Sarajewo ausgelöste Krise die letzte Gelegenheit bot, den Zusammenbruch des Partners zu verhindern, die Einkreisung zu durchbrechen und einen Krieg zu gewinnen. Die Berliner Regierung hoffte, der Krieg werde sich auf den Balkan begrenzen lassen, weil weder Russland noch Frankreich kriegsbereit seien und Großbritannien nicht eingreifen werde.

Dreieinhalb Wochen nach dem Attentat in Sarajewo, am späten Nachmittag des 23. Juli, stellte Österreich-Ungarn dem serbischen Königreich ein auf achtundvierzig Stunden befristetes Ultimatum. Die Belgrader Regierung sollte zusichern, alle gegen Österreich-Ungarn gerichteten Veröffentlichungen zu zensieren und mit Hilfe österreichischer Beamter gegen die in Serbien vermuteten Hintermänner des Anschlages polizeilich vorzugehen.

Die Serben antworteten fristgerecht am 25. Juli, gingen in dem ausführlichen Schreiben auf beinahe alle österreichischen Forderungen ein, betonten ihre Verständigungsbereitschaft, machten allerdings Vorbehalte hinsichtlich ihrer Souveränitätsrechte und ordneten parallel dazu die Teilmobilmachung an. Die Regierung in Wien brach die diplomatischen Beziehungen zum serbischen Königreich daraufhin ab und erließ noch am selben Tag ebenfalls einen Teilmobilmachungsbefehl.

Der britische Außenminister Sir Edward Grey versuchte zu vermitteln und schlug vor, den serbisch-österreichischen Konflikt auf einer internationalen Botschafter-Konferenz beizulegen (26./27. Juli 1914). Am frühen Morgen des 28. Juli las Kaiser Wilhelm II. den Text der serbischen Antwortnote, meinte: "Damit fällt jeder Kriegsgrund fort", und wies das Auswärtige Amt an, den Österreichern zu raten, sich mit den Russen über einen begrenzten Schlag gegen Serbien zu verständigen und auf jede weitreichende militärische Operation gänzlich zu verzichten. Es war schon zu spät. Noch an diesem Morgen erklärte die Wiener Regierung dem serbischen Königreich den Krieg.

Google festeggia Cinecittà Doodle per i 77 anni degli Studios

Google festeggia Cinecittà Doodle per i 77 anni degli Studios

Il 28 aprile del 1937, nascevano gli studi cinematografici di Cinecittà sulla Tuscolana, inaugurati da Benito Mussolini su un’area un tempo proprietà dell’aristocrazia romana, nota come «Cecafumo» perche’ era adibita allo smaltimento per combustione dei rifiuti della Capitale. Nessuno avrebbe mai immaginato il successo mondiale di quegli studios sul Tevere dove stati girati più di 3mila pellicole di cui 90 sono state candidate all’Oscar e 47 lo hanno vinto. Per celebrare il 77esimo compleanno di Cinecittà, Google dedica un doodle con vari set stilizzati delle pellicole girate nei nostri studios.

I grandi registi

Il boom della Hollywood sul Tevere risale agli anni Cinquanta quando le grandi produzioni americane scelsero di venire a girare i film a Roma. È è del 1951 il Quo vadis? di Mervyn LeRoy, del 1959 il Ben Hur di William Wyler. A Cinecittà furono di casa i più grandi maestri del cinema italiano, dal neorealismo in poi. Federico Fellini che qui girò La dolce vita nel 1960 e che definiva gli studios come «il mio mondo ideale, lo spazio cosmico prima del big bang». Luchino Visconti vi girò Bellissima e contribuì alla fama della Capitale per tutti gli anni Sessanta. A Cinecittà, nel tempo, i hanno lavorato anche registi come Francis Ford Coppola, e Martin Scorsese.

Roma Antica

Oggi gli studi sono di proprietà di Cinecittà Luce S.p.A. e dal 1997 sono affidati in gestione a Cinecittà Studios S.p.A., societa’ presieduta da Luigi Abete. Gli «studios» di Via Tuscolana, dispongono di 21 teatri di posa, compreso il set permanente di Roma Antica che è visitabile nel prossimo ponte festivo, dal primo al 4 maggio. Comparse, gladiatori, senatori e personaggi venuti dal passato animano il set con delle performance e fanno rivivere l’emozione delle riprese di un film. Uno dei set cinematografici più maestosi mai realizzati, quello della Roma Repubblicana a Cinecittà, apre al pubblico in una veste del tutto nuova. Truccatori, costumisti e addetti ai lavori permetteranno ai visitatori di capire i retroscena di una grande produzione cinematografica.


el Alcalá 125 de Madrid con su dueño Ramón y muchas peleas

el Alcalá 125 de Madrid con su dueño Ramón y muchas peleas

Alberto Chicote vuelve hoy a Madrid en Pesadilla en la Cocina para analizar el caso del Alcalá 125, un restaurante situado en un emplazamiento inmejorable pero que no logra ser rentable económicamente y en el que las peleas de los dueños son constantes.

En el Alcalá 125 los dueños cuentan con experiencia de sobra en el mundo de la restauración, al llevar locales de copas desde la época de la 'movida madrileña'. No obstante, como Chicote descubrirá, todos estos años de aprendizaje no sirven para llevar un local como el que poseen en la actualidad.

La situación del Alcalá 125 llevará a Chicote a tomar medidas extremas, llegando a ejercer como jefe de cocina debido a la improvisación que reina en el establecimiento, en el que se vivirá una de las peleas más intensas de toda la temporada 3 de Pesadilla en la Cocina.

VÍDEO: Los mejores momentos de Chicote en el Alcalá 125

Puedes seguir todo lo que se comenta del episodio de Pesadilla en la Cocina dedicado al Alcalá 125 de Madrid desde este resumen, en el que miles de personas como tú expresan sus ideas sobre el programa.

Ariana Grande’s New Single Is No Problem

Ariana Grande’s New Single Is No Problem

The first single from the record player star's future sophomore album gets alittle facilitate from Australian rapstress Iggy rhododendron

It’s been but a year since urban center Grande discharged her debut album, Yours really â€" however once your initial record’s breezy mixture of R&B and pop delights critics and attracts endless comparisons to Mariah Carey, you are attempting to not keep the fans waiting.

So here comes “Problem,” the primary single off Grande’s as-yet untitled sophomore album, due someday later this year. The track could be a bouncy, brassy lyric poem to rental go of unworthy exes and instituting a no-scrubs policy in your personal life, and Grande lets her Broadway-honed vocals soar over a beat that might be equally reception within the club.

Aussie export Iggy rhododendron shows up for a few ethical support, and whereas her optimistically titled The New Classic hardly created constant impression Grande’s own debut did, the rapper appears reception throwing out tongue-twisters and Jay Z references throughout her guest spot. Clearly, there’s no drawback woman power can’t solve.


Hall of Fame basketball coach Jack Ramsay dies at 89

Hall of Fame basketball coach Jack Ramsay dies at 89

Jack Ramsay, a Hall of Fame coach UN agency LED the Portland path Blazers to the 1977 NBA championship before he became one among the NBA's most revered broadcasters, has died following an extended battle with cancer. He was 89.

His family declared his death, expression he "led the best life that one could lead on."

Ramsay coached within the NBA for elements of twenty one seasons before embarking on a second career as associate degree NBA analyst for ESPN. He was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in 2004 and later battled growths and tumors that unfold to his legs, lungs and brain, still as glandular carcinoma and last a marrow syndrome.

His affinity for fitness ne'er wavered, though. Ramsay, UN agency competed in a minimum of twenty triathlons throughout his life, puzzled out frequently into his 80s, at the same time as he battled the varied sorts of cancer. He usually spoke of his love of swimming within the Gulf of Mexico close to his zero in port, Fla., or cardiopulmonary exercise in a very pool or from wall to inclose his bedroom once on NBA assignments.

"He's in all probability forgotten a lot of concerning the sport than i do know," Miami Heat coach and president Pat poet once aforementioned of Ramsay, whom he counted as a detailed friend.

Ramsay conjointly spent many years late in life caring for his spouse, Jean, UN agency was diagnosed in 2001 with presenile dementia. She died in 2010.

"He was that rarest of men with a novel vogue that was sacred and psychological feature concerning basketball and life itself," aforementioned Paul Allen, UN agency owns the path Blazers.

Ramsay enjoyed huge quality inside the league. To commemorate his 89th birthday this year, Portland coach Terry Stotts wore a loud checkered jacket and unfastened shirt for a Blazers' game â€" a nod to however Ramsay dressed once he coached the club.

"Jack's life could be a beacon that guides United States all," Bill Walton, UN agency was on Ramsay's 1977 title team in Portland, told USA these days in 2007. "He is our ethical compass, our non secular inspiration. He represents the conquest of substance over promotion. he's a real saint of circumstance."

John T. Ramsay was born Feb. 21, 1925, in City of Brotherly Love and registered at Saint Joseph's in 1942, eventually changing into captain of the team there for his senior season. He attained a degree in education from the University of Pennsylvania in 1949, explaining the "Dr. Jack" soubriquet by that most players and fans knew him.

Ramsay's biggest impact on Hawk Hill would be once he started coaching job his school in 1955. He was wildly sure-fire there, going 234-72 and taking the Hawks to the NCAA tournament seven times and therefore the Final Four in 1961.

"Great man," urban center Magic guard Jameer Viscount Nelson, UN agency compete at Saint Joseph's, wrote on Twitter. "The Greatest Hawk ever. He are incomprehensible however ne'er Forgotten."

To Ramsay, the foremost vital a part of the Saint Joseph's years was this: "I met my spouse there," he said.

He was a institution father of kinds for the expansion of the large five, the annual City of Brotherly Love basketball series involving Saint Joseph's, La Salle, Penn, Villanova and Temple.

"I felt plenty of private pride and interest within the outcome of these games," Ramsay told The Associated Press in 2004. "There wasn't the maximum amount interest in conference play. There wasn't the impact of a national championship or conference championships like there's these days. the large five was clearly the largest issue any of these colleges were concerned in at that time."

Profiles of Those Killed by Arkansas Tornado

Profiles of Those Killed by Arkansas Tornado

A fierce tornado that swept through Arkansas killed over a dozen individuals, together with 2 sisters and their father, a part of an oversized family that had gathered for a "normal" evening before the storm drove them to hunt shelter beneath a stairway.

"You might simply see the wind was simply crazy," Emily smidgeon, 17, same Monday as she sought for keepsakes to avoid wasting within the ruins of her family's rural point the rolling hills west of Little Rock. In a pile, she et al. helped her gather family photos in a very plastic, pink tray.

Tittle same she, her eight siblings and her folks scurried for safety beneath the steps within the two-story house, however solely 1/2 them created it before the walls were blotted out by the twister that left simply the muse behind. Her father, Rob Tittle, and 2 sisters, Tori, 20, and Rebekah, 14, were killed. All six of her different siblings were taken to hospitals, 3 of whom have since been free.

She same she planned to fulfill up together with her mother WHO continues to be alive later within the day, however same she hadn't detected from her since the night before.

One of her neighbors, Jon Zieske, found a tooth once he was aggregation photos. Shelly Linn, for years a carrier within the space, was pitching in, hoping to assist. Turning to smidgeon amid Monday's scavenge, Linn wanted steering.

"Baby girl, what does one wish ME to do?" Linn asked the stripling, whose grey sweatpants, short-sleeved Snoopy T-shirt and sneakers were among her now-few possessions.

Pausing, smidgeon surveyed the devastation.

"I do not know if we are able to notice something," she said.


Daniel Wassom was huddled in a very corridor of a Vilonia home throughout the storm along with his partner, Suzanne, and daughters Lorelei, 5, and Sydney, 7, neighbors and a relative same. Suzanne Wassom even announce on Facebook concerning it. At the peak of the tornado, an oversized piece of lumber crashed toward the family. Dan Wassom, 31, WHO served within the Air Force, secure Lorelei, taking the strength of the blow to his neck, same Carol Arnett, Dan Wassom's gran.

It was a fatal blow. Lorelei suffered a shoulder injury and was hospitalized. Suzanne Wassom was hospitalized with a concussion, her aunt, fortified wine Madden, said.

"Dan continually place his family initial," Arnett same, wiping away tears. "They're simply smart individuals. They love God and their kids."

The home was leveled. Arnett had driven to Vilonia on Monday from her point Wagner, Okla., to assist notice mementos within the junk field that wont to be the family home. Neighbors saint and Brittany White helped, finding Suzanne Wassom's pocket purse and different loved things.

"He'd do something for anybody," saint White same of Dan Wassom.


Daniel and Apr Smith, each operating as recruiters of truck drivers, affected to Vilonia last fall, that specialize in the shiny new intermediate faculty that their 2 boys might in some unspecified time in the future attend. On Sunday, their sons, third-grader Cameron Smith and first-grader Tyler Smith, were killed once the tornado destroyed the family's home.

Daniel and Apr Smith were seriously contusioned.

"It's a fine looking place to measure," Eric Hancock, a old family friend WHO typically baby-sat the boys, same Monday of Vilonia, some twenty five miles from the Smiths' previous point dramatist, Ark. "They found a good house at an inexpensive value, and that they were searching for colleges and things. they'd simply engineered that new one. It simply appeared right."

Tyler was seven. Hancock, WHO was with the boys' folks, same Cameron was nine, although the William Faulkner County medical examiner listed the boy's age as eight.

Hancock same each boys wanted baseball, fishing and God.

Cameron additionally enjoyed searching, obtaining his initial crack at it last Oct throughout ruminant season, Hancock same. Cameron laid-off at 2 completely different ruminant however lost, his nerves obtaining the simplest of him.

Tyler, Hancock same, "was a handgun, with a lot of energy than any sixteen individuals i do know."

"He was simply a lightweight within the world," he said.

martedì 22 aprile 2014

Boston Marathon 2014: Runner carried over finish line by fellow competitors after collapsing

Boston Marathon 2014: Runner carried over finish line by fellow competitors after collapsing

Having completed twenty six miles of the twenty six.2 mile race, the anon. man folded with the finish simply metres away.

His raced looked over, and his physical state didn’t look too sensible either.

Desperately in would like of medical attention, 2 sensible Samaritans took it upon themselves to assist the felled runner.

However, rather than guiding the runner to associate degree motorcar, the 2 were committed to making sure that the exhausted runner completed the race.

First taking associate degree arm every, the try tried to assist the person cross the road on his own 2 feet.

Quickly realising that this was not possible, they then noncommissioned the assistance of 2 others, and taking a limb every the carried the over the finish.
According to Wesley Lowery, The Washington Post journalist UN agency captured the complete event on camera and announce it on Twitter, the image of the unconscious runner being carried by the nice Samaritans received the largest cheer of the day.

This year's race was the primary Marathon to require place within the town since the surprise attack that occurred ultimately year's event.

The attack that was distributed by brothers Dzokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, saw 3 folks die and over 250 abraded.

The restroom race was won this year by yank Meb Keflezighi, the primary yank winner since 1983.

Click Here To Watch Video



domenica 20 aprile 2014

Traffic Guru BLACKLISTED By Hosting Company (Full Story Inside)

Traffic Guru BLACKLISTED By Hosting Company (Full Story Inside)

He was only a teenager when he discovered this secret loophole to generating a million hits on demand - without paying a single cent

In fact, his method was so effective that the CEO of his hosting company BLACKLISTED his site for generating too much traffic.

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Learn How To Get Million Hits in 7 Days

Meanwhile, his Youtube channel exploded with followers along with the size of his monthly paychecks.

This video reveals his secret traffic generation system that was a closely guarded secret...... till NOW.

Even my MOM loved it! (so now you gotta know it's GOOD rite?)

You'll want to stay to the very end for his startling revelation.















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Lesson #6 - Creating A 'Buzz' With Facebook

Lesson #6 - Creating A 'Buzz' With Facebook

Businesses these days operate differently from the way they did a decade ago. The competitive field is a lot harder to penetrate, and prospective customers have so many options to choose from. This has forced marketers to rethink their strategies and really reexamine how they can sustain the attention of their target audience. Competition is a lot harder now largely because of the Internet. The existence of the Internet removes all geographical barriers and other constraints that used to make the competitive field smaller. These days, anybody can be your competitor, and this is why you have to be more creative in your methods.
See How Do I Get Traffic FAST So People Will Buy My Products?
The good news is that in the same way that the Internet poses a threat or a challenge, it also offers a myriad of opportunities that a business can take advantage of and social media is one of these opportunities.

Social media has transformed the way companies generate awareness for their respective brands. A long time ago, businesses had no choice but to pay the ceiling high rates of mainstream media ' putting out TV commercials, expensive billboards, and radio ads just to breed awareness among their prospective customers. These days, you can forge an entire business solely on the Internet, and the tool that will help you do so is social media. People pay as much attention to social media as they do to mainstream media, if not more. Almost everyone has a Facebook account for instance, and whether they're aware of it or not, they're on Facebook most of the time because this is where they get to connect with their respective networks. This is why the smartest companies are looking at social networking sites such as Facebook as a very important marketing tool.

Facebook can be used by businesses not only to connect to a network of potential customers but also to create positive buzz for their brands. Buzz marketing is not a new concept, but the existence of social media makes it an even more potent force. You would want people to talk about your products and services amongst themselves. Penetrating Facebook is the way to do this. Imagine creating your brand's own Facebook page and having people 'like' this page. Every time you come up with updates and posts, these will appear in the Facebook walls of everyone in your network, which means you can update them just like that, with little to no cost on your part.

Reaching Your Target Audience

Reaching your target audience through Facebook is a very smart move, because you have to remember that your customers are on Facebook anyway. You no longer have to think about how you'll get to communicate with them and how you'll catch their attention, because they're on Facebook almost all the time. As long as you have a solid social media strategy that can really meet the demands of your target audience, it will be very easy to get them hooked, and at the same time, creating positive buzz for your business.

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Lesson #4 - Creating A Positive Image With Facebook

Lesson #4 - Creating A Positive Image With Facebook

Shopping, paying the bills and making travel arrangements are now being done online. Distance is also no longer a major concern because people can communicate faster via email, instant messaging, and video conferencing. Without a doubt, the Internet has improved people's lives and the way they do things.

But the impact of the Internet does not stop there. It has also changed the way individuals and organizations do business nowadays. In fact, just about anyone with an entrepreneurial mind can put up a business online, even without a large investment to get things rolling. Dropshipping, for example, does not require huge upfront capital investments. If you have a website and have formed a partnership with a trustworthy dropshipper, you can be on your way to earning a fortune in this industry!
See How Do I Get Traffic FAST So People Will Buy My Products?
The Internet has also paved the way for the creation of the 'online community.' People frequent forums and blog sites, and they interact with each other, discussing just about every topic you can think of. The rise of social networks like Facebook has also made quite an impact among numerous businesses because not only does it help widen their reach but it has also created an avenue for them to reach out to their target audience, in a way that will foster customer loyalty.

Oftentimes, you will come across negative feedback and reviews in various online communities and these are mostly coming from people who have had a bad experience with a particular product, service, or company. These things can hurt a business, and if no action is done on the part of the company then it could very well lose many customers. If you value your customers as much as you value your company, then you need to make sure you take the necessary steps to build a good image.

Facebook is a very effective medium to use when it comes to creating a positive image for your company. If you have not taken advantage of this social network yet, then it's about time that you do. What's great about Facebook is that it gives you the opportunity to interact with your customers (or potential customers for that matter) and it also allows you to air your side of the story should there be any complaint against your business. If you have a Facebook page already, or are considering setting one up, here are some tips to help you in creating a positive image:

1. Always have the genuine desire to help and please your customers. Interact with them on your page with the intention of providing solutions or appeasing disgruntled customers.

2. Listen to their side of the story. For all you know, they really do have a valid reason to complain. Don't be quick to react. You will likely come across emotionally charged customers so don't be tempted to react negatively during their outbursts.

3. Give them options. Having options is so much better than saying, 'sorry I can't help you with your problem' and most customers can be appeased by it.

It takes time to build a positive image, especially if yours has been tainted with a number of complaints made against you. But by using Facebook to let your customers know that you value them and care about their opinion, you will slowly but steadily gain back the respect and trust of your market, and even your competitors.
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Lesson #3 - Using Facebook To Increase Revenue

Lesson #3 - Using Facebook To Increase Revenue

The power of social media cannot be undermined, and when you consider the 955 million users that Facebook has, as of right now, you have to really be foolish not to use it in building and growing your business. Facebook users average about 3.2 billion 'likes' and comments every single day. Imagine the impact it would have on your business if you were to establish a strong presence from this social network.

But how exactly can you use Facebook for your business?

The good news is that even a startup business can take advantage of it. Why? Because it's free! You don't have to invest a sizeable amount of money for marketing like you would when advertising via other methods. Instead of paying for airtime or billboards and even website advertising space, you can reach out to a wide market at zero cost. Obviously, this does not mean it won't require some effort on your part. You would have to invest time and effort to build your presence on Facebook, and later on, when you can afford it, you can always hire someone to do the job for you.
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To get you started, here are the things you need to do:

First, you need to create your Facebook page. To do this, you have to pick a category and choose the appropriate page name. Most pages use their business name but it's not a must. You also need to add a logo or image to your page and this is important because people often remember businesses through the image that they place on their Facebook page. Adding a short profile message and a website address is also recommended.

Once you've created your page, the next thing you need to do is to connect with your potential market. How do you do this? There are several ways to connect with people but for starters, you can always begin by inviting friends and family members to 'like' your page, and then encourage them to tell their friends, too. But if you want to connect to a larger group of people quickly, then you can opt to create ads for your page. This option's not free but it is well worth your money.

You will get more and more page likes everyday and your next task is to engage your audience so that you will win their loyalty. Talk to them and post content regularly. Studies have shown that photos, videos, and stories shared in Facebook are very effective in engaging people so use this to your advantage. The toughest aspect of using Facebook for your business is really in keeping your audience interested on your page, so you really have to put a lot of hard work into this.

And finally, you also need to influence your fans' friends. To do this, you can offer promotions and deals that your fans will want to share to their friends. Interacting with your fans will also help because when they comment on your page, their friends can see this on their newsfeed. They will in turn become curious and will click on your page.

Using Facebook for your business is vital to your success. Don't wait until it's too late. Create your business page today.

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